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Most Commom Bookkeeping Mistakes

1 – Bookkeeping Knowledge Why choose Bookkeeping Knowledge as the first common Bookkeeping mistake? Eighty percent of small businesses have their books done by non-qualified persons. It’s true that some might be doing a great job, but most are mere data-entry clerks that do not have the knowledge to make accounting decisions.

Business Travel Expenses

I will start by posting the information CRA provides on this matter: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/slprtnr/rprtng/t2125/ln9200-eng.html You can deduct travel expenses you incur to earn business and professional income.

Employee vs. Contractor

There’s a time when we cannot handle the day to day operations without help. When that day comes we always have this question: Should I hire someone has my employee or just give out portions of the work in contract? Maybe if the work position isn’t there and what you have is just an unusal and seasonal amount of work, you could consider to give away contracts for specific tasks.

Bookkeeping / Accounting

Today I’m starting this blog with the intention of posting some considerations, ideas and reply some questions from my clients, friends and anyone that comes across this blog. I would like to invite everyone to submit their questions.